Finished my first "response" essay today. It almost wasn't in on time too.
I finished at 4:54 P.M when it was due at 5:00. I sent it to Mom and then went down to tell her that I sent it. When I came back up I got one of those "Mailer Daemon" things, so I had to re-send it to a different email address. So I ran downstairs to get it, and then I sent the wrong document and then I finally sent the right one at exactly 5:00. It's crazy stuff. Would I get in trouble for that in college?
Opal Dream is fantastic! I really love it. As much complaints as I have about having to write such an essay and how hard it was, I had a lot of fun writing it.
I'll try to write more later. I know it's not much of an entry but Psych is on. Bye!