Picture project! I'm getting paid to go through the pictures that I loved to look at so much when I was little. I'm so very excited about this job. I have to take them all out of the albums, upload them into the computer, and then file the hard copies. Doesn't sound like too much of a thrill but Mom says I'm getting paid a lot. And it's thrilling to me. I love pictures, as you may be able to tell already. I also get to run into a lot of photography of my Dad's. It kind of helps remember where I got this interest.
I just got back from the orthodontist, and I have a car in my mouth. By that, I mean it's going to cost as much as a small car payment. I'm psyched for this to happen though, and I think Mom is too. Besides the cost of-course. That's enough about my teeth because that couldn't get anymore boring for someone on the receiving end.
I should get ready to go to mutual. "Class activity" they said. In other words; "we have to plan." But there is "a special treat" which I'm psyched about. Adios amigos!