Find a thinking spot.
It should be somewhere no one thinks to find you, but it doesn't have to be secret(I don't like secrets.)Preferably somewhere you can see great works of God(e.g nature, children.) And you should bring something that can occupy your subconscious brain while your conscious brain gets all the thinking done.
You see, the conscious mind and the subconscious are constantly battling(Maybe it's ADD people. Maybe it's just me.)SC is usually worrying about either bodily functions, the past, or what people think of you(e.g what happened that day, the fact that you're tired) while, if you're on the right track, your conscious brain is focused on the future and learning.
Have something for your SCM to play with. I like to eat Popsicles because it's just the right level of difficulty for it to take all my SCM's attention leaving my CM to roam free. Pooh had a thinking spot and we all know what an intellectual he is. Now, if any of you, dear, readers try this I'd love to hear results. I'm mostly curious if this new theory/ epiphany is exclusive to me. I know this for sure; Thinking spots are marvelous pathways to epiphanies for Elysse. I also know that my ramen is getting cold.