Sunday, November 11, 2007

Watch out boy she'll chew you up!

You know what's relatively amusing, but more annoying than anything?

Kiddie drama.

This girl, Abigail, equals trouble. She's funny, nice to hang out with, but quite the man eater.
When we first met her, she and Ezra got crushes on each other. Then later, Abbey decides she doesn't like Ezra. Not because he did anything particularly wrong, but because she can not like him whenever she wants. Now she likes Avrom. Also she "hates" Ezra, while secretly(not any more) liking the both of them. Keep in mind that both of the boys like her. Well she says she likes Avrom because he's a gentleman. However, when Ezra tries to be a gentleman she won't accept it. For instance: Ezra tries to give her a potato(at dinner, not just a random potato) and he's holding it with his bare hands, and it's hot. She backs away and makes this disgusting grimacing face until Avrom give her potato on a plate. While Avrom was a little smarter in this sense, he wasn't in any physical pain. So while Ezra burns his own flesh for her she backs away grimacing. If he was actually burning his flesh purposefully I can see why she would be grossed out. Anyway, it's a little weird. I've never seen Avrom and Ezra go this far out of the way for a girl.

Well now me and Emma and Hannah are going to sleep in a tent on the porch. For the heck of it. Hannah said it was below 30 degrees. This is not true, she's just a whiner-face.

Also, Isaac's being a dumb-head. But hat's a different story.

I'm gonna go sleep in "below 30" degree weather. Night!



Krilafis said...

Hahaha...funny is not quite a good enough word for this entry sister.

Who is this Abbey person? I have never heard of her and why are they being so dumb?

I hope this doesn't affect their brotherhood.

You know its dramatic when one of them hits the other.

woahh said...

Abbey is Sara Johnson's sister.