Monday, February 25, 2008

This is a list of alphabetized small and simple things for which I am grateful. Get a hold of and (necessary verb here)each of these things as often as possible.

1. the alphabet

2. bagels

3. bare feet

4. board games

5. books

6. a childhood movie( one that you can recall watching over and over right after the last time you watched it:)

7. coupons

8. DDR

9. Eggs Benedict(especially when your brother makes it for you)

10. a favorite song

11. food made by a mother.

12. grape juice

13.a key, string, fret, bow, uhh... blow hole?

14. letters(both types)

15. naps

16.paint(the kind you can eat!)

17. pencils

18. pictures

19. rainbows... yeah

20. a "thank you"

21. the word "yes" especially when followed immediately by "!"

22. You know those honey mustard pretzel things? Yeah, those.

And those things are magnificent whether you like it or not.