Saturday, November 17, 2007

Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer!
He's a demon on wheels.
He's a demon and he's gonna be chasin' after someone.

He's gainin' on ya so you better look alive.
He's busy revvin' up the powerful MACH 5!

And when the odds are against him and theres dangerous work to do.
You bet your life Speed Racer, will come to see it through

Go Speed Racer !
Go Speed Racer!
Go Speed Racer, go!

He's off and flyin' as he guns the car around the track,
He's jammin' down the pedal like he's never comin' back.

Adventure's waiting just ahead!

Go Speed Racer !
Go Speed Racer!
Go Speed Racer, go!

I'm testing if this is a good method to get a song out of your head. There are alot of exclamation points. Goodnight.


Krilafis said...

Did it work?

woahh said...

Yeah, it did. Really well actually. A little too much effort if you ask me, but it worked!